2000, VOLUME 19 - ISSUE 1, MARCH - Internet Usage in China

The Internet usages in China has quadrupled during 1999 and increased to 8.9 million by December. The figure is more that 4 times the 2.1 million figure reported in December, 1998. The figure at the end of June 1999 was 4 million.

A survey by China National Network Information Centre has shown that favoured Internet service included electronic mail and website searches, with 71.65% and 50.4% reporting these issues as important. The top ten most popular sites in 1999 (in order of popularity) are:

http://www.sina.com.cn http://www.china.com
http://www.163.com http://www.21cn.com
http://www.sohu.com http://www.east.net.cn
http://www.163.net http://www.online.sh.cn
http://www.263.net http://www.cpcw.com
Age of Chinese Internet Users
Below 18 18-24 25-30 31-35 36-40 41-50 Over 50
2.4% 42.8% 32.8% 10.2% 5.4% 4.5% 0.4%
Domain of Chinese Webs
.com .edu .net .ac .gov .org .aadn
80% 1% 8.3% 1% 5% 2% 3%

— S & T for China, December 1999, p.7
Economic & Commercial Wing,
Embassy of India, Beijing, PRC