VOL. 15 ISSUE NO. 4 OCTOBER-DECEMBER 1996 - UNESCO Regional Workshop on Internationally Developed Data Analysis and Management Software

The IDAMS is a package developed by UNESCO for validation, manipulation and statistical analysis of numerical data. It could be linked through an interface with the UNESCO software CDS/ISIS for the management of databases. This helps in the processing of data for scientific as well as for administrative purposes.

Users find in IDAMS the classical range of statistical methods (univariate and bivariate statistics., multivariate statistical techniques), plus some recent advanced techniques. IDAMS also provides a series of data management programs and a powerful language for the transformation of data.

The software can be used without programming skills or knowledge. The version of IDAMS for micro computers is equipped with editors, graphic facilities and online help messages.

The micro CDS/ISIS, another software developed by UNESCO for the exploitation of databases, has added a bi-directional interface with micro-IDAMS. Both software constitute a new management tool — IDIS which allows users to develop their own applications and to process in an unified way different types of information gathered for administrative as well as for scientific purposes.

More than 1600 institutions (in about 140 countries worldwide) use IDAMS. The package is distributed through a network of 50 officially nominated distributors. The National Information System for Science & Technology (NISSAT), national distributor in India, would organize a UNESCO Regional Workshop/Training on IDAMS at NISTADS, New Delhi, with UNESCO experts, during 15-19 February, 1997.

Further information may be obtained from:

Mr. B.N. Sarkar
Sr. Scientific Officer
National Information System for Science & Technology
Department of Scientific & Industrial Research
Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi-110 016

Phone : 667373, 667405/667421
Fax : +11-664567, 661682
E-mail: bns[at]nissatd[dot]ernet[dot]in