VOL. 17 NO. 2 APRIL-JUNE 1998 - Will CDS / ISIS Stop Working in 2000?

The problem of the year 2000 can be easily solved with the current form of DATESTAMP function. We use several years the following simple TRUEDATE procedure in our ISIS applications:

Procedure TRUEDATE
if (substr (LN,7,2) < `81' then
       NEWDATE : = `20' substr (LN,7,2) substr (LN, 1,2) substr (LN, 4,2)
else NEWDATE := `19' substr (LN,7,2) substr (LN, 1,2) substr (LN, 4,2);


...and the NEWDATE variable keeps the current date in the form : YYYYMMDD now and after the year 1999. Perhaps it can help the worried users of ISIS.

Contact at: Emil Moncman, http://www.bib.wau.nl/isis/year2000.html