Creation of bibliographic and digital image database of available literature and pattachitra material on Bishnupur terracotta art and sculpture and Traditional Design of


The project has been completed and is available at website address is The key features are :

  • database of literature on Bankura; a bibliography of 649 literature and placed on the web site and can be searchable by author, title and publisher.
  • Digitized photograph of temples, architecture, stone images from entire Bankura districts of West Bengal which can be searched by location, temple name, classification, themes
  • A chronology of Malla dynasty
  • Handicrafts of Bankura have been extensively covered, providing information on products, their main manufacturing hubs and particular locations of availability.
  • A map of Bankura district has been provided to provide exact locations of important places with information of their positions and 'how to reach?' there.

For query, contact to

The Scientist - 'G'
Technology Facilitation Information Programme (TIFP)
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR)
Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi – 110016
Email :

Shri Subrata Datta, Principal Investigator
Jadavpur University Campus
Kolkata – 700 032
Email :

On this website in all email addresses [at] = @ and [dot] = .

Last Updated: 13/07/2007