National R&D Award 2005 Announced

National R&D Award 2005 Announced

The Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, announces the winners of the National Awards for Outstanding In-house R&D Achievements (2005), in various sectors/areas of industry. The winners are:

Sl.No. Company Sector / Area Process / Product Developed
1. Gujsynth, Vapi Chemical & Allied Industries Process for manufacture of 3,5 Dichloro Aniline
2. Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd., Vadodara Chemical & Allied Industries Development of zeolite based super selective catalyst and process for manufacture of Para-diethylbenzene
3. Matrix Laboratories Ltd., Secunderabad Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Industries Citalopram, Moxifloxacin Hydro-chloride, Lamivudine, Sertraline Hydrochloride, Gabapentin
4. Sri Biotech, Hyderabad Biotech Industries Development of new protocol and delivery systems for control of diseases and pests in Agriculture
5. Transasia Bio-Medicals Ltd., Mumbai Electronic / Opto Electronic Industries Fully automatic random access bio-chemistry analyser XL 600
6. Maharashtra State Seeds Corpn., Ltd., Akola Agro and Food Processing Industries Design, development & testing of pollution free cotton seed delinting plant
7. Steel Authority of India Ltd., Ranchi New Materials Development of low carbon EDD steel, SAIL-HITEN Steel, titanium bearing LPG grade steel, boron billets for tractor discs
8. Praj Industries Ltd., Pune Technology Exports Multi-feed ethanol production process & plant.
9. Reliance Industries Limited, Surat Technology Absorption Absorption of NG3 technology form E.I. Dupont, USA
10. Bharat Electronics Ltd., Bangalore Successful Commercialisation of Technologies Acquired from Others Battle field Survelliellance Radar Short Range
11. Rasi Seeds (P) Ltd., Attur (T.N) Successful Commercialisation of Technologies Acquired From Others Development and commer-cialisation of transgenic Bt cotton hybrids

Last Updated: 27/05/2011