NISSAT Manpower Development Program 1986-2000

B N Sarkar
National Information System for Science & Technology
Department of Scientific & Industrial Research
Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110016.
Email: bns[dot]dsir[at]nic[dot]in


Outlines the short-term courses on information science and technology organised in various parts of India with the support of National Information System for Science and Technology (NISSAT) during 1886 to 2000. NISSAT is a government agency functioning under the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India.


The education and training of information personnel is one of the thrust areas of the NISSAT. Although, the existing library and information science courses have been undergoing changes to incorporate modern developments in the information field, there is a need to supplement these with continuing education programmes at various levels. In view of the situation, NISSAT has been encouraging and supporting a variety of short-term courses in the area of Information Science and Technology such as Application of computers in library and information centres; Use of personal computers and CDS/ISIS; Total quality management (TQM) in library services; Scientific and technical communication; Scientometrics and bibliometrics; computerised cataloguing; CD-ROM/Online search; Modern information access facilities to business and industry: Common communication format; AACR _ II; IDAMS; Sanjay software package; MIS for library; Internet, HTML, Web design; Marketing of information services and products; Patent information, Copyright, etc. in various parts of the country.

NISSAT has been organizing these courses through different agencies. It fixed the norm and the registration fee for each course based on the duration The courses were of one-, two-, four- and six-week duration depending upon the topics to be covered and the level of the participants to be trained. One-week courses were generally organized through professional bodies engaged in information activities and others through academic bodies and institutions like Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC), Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre (INSDOC), universities, etc. The four-week courses were mainly conducted by INSDOC and six-week courses by DRTC. These four-week and six-week courses have since been discontinued. The different norms and registration fees fixed by NISSAT at different times is given below (Tables 1-2).:

Table 1: NISSAT Norms (1990)

Duration Financial Support Registratioon Fees
1 Week Rs. 8000/- Rs. 500/- Rs. 650/-*
2 Weeks Rs. 15000/- Rs. 1000/- Rs. 1250/-*
4 Weeks Rs. 18250/- Rs. 2000/- Rs. 2500/-*
6 Weeks Rs. 24750/- Rs. 2750/- Rs. 3000/-*
* With Accommodation

Table 2: NISSAT Norms (1995)

Duration Financial Support Registratioon Fees
1 Week Rs. 10175/- Rs. 500/- Rs. 650/-*
2 Weeks Rs. 15950/- Rs. 1000/- Rs. 1250/-*
3 Weeks Rs. 22275/-    
4 Weeks Rs. 28600/- Rs. 2000/- Rs. 2500/-*
6 Weeks Rs. 40150/- Rs. 2750/- Rs. 3000/-*
* With Accommodation

In 1998, NISSAT found that there was a need to revise the norm and terms and conditions for the manpower development program for the following reasons:

  • Price escalations directly affected organizational costs, printing of materials, stationery, course materials, transport, etc.
  • Hardware and online connection charges were additional expenditure for organizing the training courses related to information technology.
  • Honoraria at a higher rate need to be paid to the resource persons for the advanced subjects or new subjects of IT in an organization like the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indian Institute of Management (IIM) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc).
  • TA/DA need to be paid to the resource persons for organizing training courses in the North-Eastern states and other remote places where experts are not locally available. For certain new subjects, though selectively, resource persons may have to be brought from abroad. Considering the aforesaid factors the present norms have been evolved on subject-to-subject basis. The subjects have been categorized into three broad divisions based on the depth of treatment they need (as implied by the duration). The second set of classification is by the type of resource institutions and resource persons necessary to treat a subject. While Type A courses could be handled by middle level experts, the Types B and C courses are to be dealt with senior professionals and institutions of the class of IITs and IIMs. The types of courses according to subjects and durations are given in Table 3.

Table 3: Subject and Duration

Subject Duration Types
Application of computers in library and information centres 10 days A
Use of personal computers and CDS/ISIS 10 days A
WINISIS and Advance course on CDS/ISIS 10 days B
Scientometrics and bibliometrics 5 days B
IDAMS 5 days B
Scientific & Technical Communication 5 days B
Computer cataloguing 5 days A
Common communication format 5 days A
AACR - II 5 days A
Sanjay: Library automation software 5 days A
Total quality management(TQM) 2/3 days C
Patent information 1/2 days C
CD-ROM/Online search 1/2/3 days C
Modern information access facilities 1/2/3 days C
Internet, HTML, Web design 1/2/3 days C
Marketing of information services and products 1/2/3 days C

The financial norms set for various types of courses are given in Table 4.
Table 4: Financial Norms

Item Type A Types B & C
Honoraria to resource person (Lecture / Hour) Rs. 250/- Rs. 400/-
Course material per course Rs. 4000/- Rs. 4000/-
Consumables & Contingencies per course Rs. 5000/- Rs. 5000/-


Every year NISSAT supports 10 to 20 courses/workshops through different organizations located at different parts of the country. Since 1986 to 2000, NISSAT has supported 209 short-term courses/workshops on various topics. The year-wise distribution of courses is given in Table 5. The appendix shows the details of the courses supported by NISSAT.

Table 5: Year-wise distribution of courses

Year Number of Courses Year Number of Courses Year Number of Courses
1986 05 1991 19 1996 10
1987 10 1992 14 1997 14
1988 09 1993 13 1998 20
1989 17 1994 19 1999 15
1990 16 1995 13 2000 14
  • On average, the number of courses/workshops supported per year comes to nearly 14.
  • The number of courses varied between 5 to 19 during 1986 to 1993 and 10 to 20 thereafter..
  • The number of courses peaked in 1998 when as many as 20 courses/workshops were supported.

The number of candidates trained through these courses is estimated to be around 5000.

In the state-wise distribution of the courses Table 6 shows that the largest number of courses have been organized in Delhi (48), followed by West Bengal (42), Karnataka (37), Maharashtra (28), Uttar Pradesh (12), and Madhya Pradesh (12). The remaining states organized less than 10 courses each.

Table 6: State-wise distribution of courses

State Number of Courses State Number of Courses
Andhra Pradesh 04 Kerala 03
Arunachal Pradesh 01 Madhya Pradesh 12
Assam 05 Maharashtra 28
Bihar 01 Orissa 02
Delhi 48 Punjab 02
Goa 01 Rajasthan 02
Gujarat 03 Tamil Nadu 06
Himachal Pradesh 03


Uttar Pradesh 12
Karnataka 37 West Bengal 42

The reasons for unevern distribution of courses across the country will be clear from Table 7.

  • Societies like IASLIC, BLA, CALIBNET in West Bengal; organizations like Poona university, BAIF in Maharashtra; DRTC, IIS, AIS in Karnataka and NISTADS, INSDOC, DELNET, FITT, SIS in Delhi have shown keen interest to organize NISSAT-supported courses. Most of them are non-profit- making organizations and working for the development of library and information professionals.
  • NISSAT is unable to approach organizations like IISc, IIMs, and IITs for conducting the courses with minimum financial support.
  • NISSAT has been supporting an organization when the organization on its own took initiative to organize a course. On the other hand, NISSAT has also been approaching from time to time various organizations for conducting courses.
  • Organizations in Delhi, West Bengal, Karnataka, Maharashtra and a few other states took active interest and developed necessary infrastructure to organize the courses. Hence, more courses were organized in those states giving rise to unevenness in the distribution of the courses throughout the country. Even we have seen that most of the courses were organized in particular cities where those organizations are located. Only societies like ILA, SIS, and IASLIC organized NISSAT-supported courses in different parts of the country.
  • It is also to be noted that courses organized in Delhi or any other metro cities were attended by participants from all over the country. Hence, no sponsored or private participant from any part of the country was deprived of any course.

Effort has been made to overcome this situation after 1999. We approached different organizations located in different parts of the country for conducting NISSAT-supported courses. The response from new organizations has been encouraging. As a result we could reach new places. We have found that this helped the local participant to attend the NISSAT-supported courses more.

Table 7: State-wise distribution of courses

Organization City Number of Courses
Academy of Information Science Mysore 07
BAIF Development Research Foundation Pune 02
Banaras Hindu University Varanasi 01
Bengal Library Association Kolkata 09
Calcutta Library Network Kolkata 04
Central Machine Tool Institute Bangalore 01
Consultancy Development Centre New Delhi 09
Documentation Research and Training Centre Bangalore 24
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad 01
Dr Y S Parmar University Solan 01
Foundation for Innovation & Technology Transfer New Delhi 03
Gauhati University Guwahati 01
Goa University Goa 01
Himachal Pradesh State Council of Science and Technology Shimla 01
Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres Kolkata 35
Indian Institute of Management Lucknow 02
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur 02
Indian Library Association Delhi 23
Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre


New Delhi 35
Institute of Environment & Rural Technology


Allahabad 01
Institute of Information Studies Bangalore 02
Kerala Agricultural University Trissur 02
M S Swaminathan Research Foundation Chennai 01
Madhya Pradesh Consultancy Organization Bhopal 01
Madhya Pradesh Council of Science and Technology Bhopal 06
Maharaja Sayajirao University Baroda 01
National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies New Delhi 02
Regional Centre for Information & Appropriate Technology Management Allahabad 04
Society for Information Science New Delhi 04
Tata Energy Research Institute New Delhi 02
Tezpur University Tezpur 01
University of Mysore Mysore 02
University of Poona Pune 18
Uttar Pradesh Library Association Lucknow 03
Wildlife Institute of India Dehradun 01

Year 2000

In addition to all other regular courses, NISSAT conducted two series of training courses on WINISIS and a series of Patent Information for R&D and Industry. NISSAT announced the courses widely through its official organ Information Today and Tomorrow and sent the brochure to various concerned organizations. This helped the participant to attend from all over the country. NISSAT conducted 14 courses in this year Nine out of fourteen courses are on CDS/ISIS and 2 courses on patent information and the rest on modern IT areas. The list of the courses and their details are given in Appendix. Between 15 and 25 participants are accommodated in a training course where computer is essential. Attempt is made to provide one computer per two participants. With this provision, NISSAT is able to provide training to more than 300 participants in the year 2000. Participants are mostly from different parts of the country. From the list of the participants, we have found that they hailed from places like Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.

The content of the program is mostly designed by NISSAT. Standard course material has been prepared for the Patent Information for R&D and Industry, which is being distributed in all the programs. NISSAT has prepared a brief WINISIS user manual for distribution in training courses. Sometimes, the course content is finalized in consultation with the course organizer. NISSAT helps the organizer to identify local resource persons. If the resource person is not found locally, NISSAT provides TA/DA for the resource person. This way NISSAT found the following benefits:

NISSAT is able to reach the participants from remote and new places.

Content of the course is focused on the topic.

The qualified resource persons teach the topics. Hence, the participants' level of satisfaction is high.

NISSAT welcomes organization that is interested to organize training courses under the NISSAT's term and condition.




  • Application of Computers to Library & Information Activities organized by Indian Library Association, Delhi during 19860602 - 19860607 at Delhi, Delhi
  • Workshop on Information Management Technology organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19860806 - 19860816 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Application of Computers to Library & Information Activities organized by Indian Library Association, Delhi during 19860908 - 19860913 at Ahmedabad, Gujarat
  • NISSAT-DRTC Short-term Course on Computer Applications to Library & Information Science(1st) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19861015 - 19861120 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Thesaurus Construction organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19861020 - 19861030 at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh


  • NISSAT-DRTC Short-term Course on Computer Applications to Library & Information Science(2nd) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19870209 - 19870320 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Application of Computers to Library & Information Activities organized by Indian Library Association, Delhi during 19870216 - 19870221 at Madras, Tamil Nadu
  • Training on CDS/ISIS organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19870511 - 19870515 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Workshop on Information Management Technology organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19870601 - 19870612 at Bombay, Maharashtra
  • NISSAT-DRTC Short-term Course on Computer Applications to Library & Information Science(3rd) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19870615 - 19870724 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Application of Computers to Library & Information Activities organized by Indian Library Association, Delhi during 19870803 - 19870808 at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
  • Application of Computers to Library & Information Activities organized by Indian Library Association, Delhi during 19870915 - 19870919 at Ranchi, Bihar
  • Workshop on Computer-aided Library & Information Systems and CDS/ISIS Retrieval Systems organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19870921 - 19870926 at Burdwan, West Bengal
  • Workshop on Thesaurus in Information Retrieval organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19871007 - 19871017 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Computer Applications in Library and Information Science organized by University of Pune, Pune during 19871117 - 19871127 at Pune, Maharashtra


  • NISSAT-DRTC Short-term Course on Computer Applications to Library & Information Science(4th) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19880116 - 19880226 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Computer Applications in Library and Information Science organized by University of Pune, Pune during 19880217 - 19880228 at Pune, Maharashtra
  • Application of Computers to Library & Information Activities organized by Indian Library Association, Delhi during 19880503 - 19880513 at Madras, Tamil Nadu
  • Workshop on Computer-aided Library and Information System organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19880523 - 19880528 at Shillong, Arunachal Pradesh
  • Workshop on Information Management Technology organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19880607 - 19880617 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • NISSAT-DRTC Short-term Course on Computer Applications to Library & Information Science(5th) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19880704 - 19880812 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Application of Computers to Library & Information Activities organized by Indian Library Association, Delhi during 19880711 - 19880722 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Application of Computers to Library & Information Activities organized by Indian Library Association, Delhi during 19880808 - 19880812 at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
  • Computer Applications in Library and Information Science organized by University of Pune, Pune during 19880830 - 19880909 at Pune, Maharashtra


  • Computer Applications in Library and Information Science organized by University of Pune, Pune during 19890102 - 19890122 at Pune, Maharashtra
  • Computer Applications in Library and Information Activities(1st) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19890109 - 19890203 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • NISSAT-DRTC Short-term Course on Computer Applications to Library & Information Science(6th) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19890116 - 19890224 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Computer Applications in Library and Information Activities(2nd) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19890313 - 19890407 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Workshop on Thesaurus in Information Retrieval organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19890315 - 19890325 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Workshop on Information Consolidation organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19890403 - 19890415 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Computer Applications in Library and Information Activities(3rd) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19890424 - 19890519 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Application of Computers to Library & Information Activities organized by Indian Library Association, Delhi during 19890612 - 19890616 at Trivandrum, Kerala
  • Computer Applications in Library and Information Activities(4th) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19890626 - 19890721 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • NISSAT-DRTC Short-term Course on Computer Applications to Library & Information Science(7th) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19890807 - 19890915 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Computer Applications in Library and Information Activities(5th) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19890821 - 19890915 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Computer Applications in Library and Information Science organized by University of Pune, Pune during 19890822 - 19890901 at Pune, Maharashtra
  • Training Course on Technical Communication organized by Society for Information Science, New Delhi during 19890918 - 19890920 at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
  • Computer Applications in Library and Information Activities(6th) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19891106 - 19891201 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • NISSAT-DRTC Short-term course on Computer Applications to Library & Information Science(8th) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19891106 - 19891215 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Visual Communication Technology and its Application in Modern Scientific Communication organized by Academy of Information Science, Mysore during 19891129 - 19891201 at Mysore, Karnataka
  • Computer Applications in Library and Information activities(7th) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19891218 - 19900112 at New Delhi, Delhi


  • Computer Applications in Library and Information Science organized by University of Pune, Pune during 19900105 - 19900115 at Pune, Maharashtra
  • Workshop on Information Analysis and Consolidation organized by Bengal Library Association, Calcutta during 19900115 - 19900121 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Computer Applications in Library and Information Science organized by University of Pune, Pune during 19900215 - 19900225 at Pune, Maharashtra
  • Workshop on Visual Communication Technology organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19900219 - 19900303 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Computer Applications in Library and Information Activities(9th) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Training course on CDS/ISIS (ver 2.3) and PASCAL (1st) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Computer Applications in Library and Information Activities(10th) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Computer Applications in Library and Information Activities(11th) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Computer Application in Library & Information Activities organized by Indian Library Association, Delhi during 19900827 - 19900831 at Jodhpur, Rajasthan
  • Training Course on Technical Communication organized by Society for Information Science, New Delhi during 19900828 - 19900831 at Jodhpur, Rajasthan
  • Training Course on Bibliometric Analysis organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Short-term courses on Computer Applications organized by University of Pune, Pune during 19901001 - 19901013 at Pune, Maharashtra
  • Workshop on Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules - II organized by Bengal Library Association, Calcutta during 19901008 - 19901014 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Training Course on DBMS & DBase III+ organized by Indian National scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi at New Delhi, Delhi
  • NISSAT-DRTC Short-term Course on Computer Applications to Library & Information Science(9th) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19901101 - 19901210 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Training course on Information Technology organized by Indian National scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi at New Delhi, Delhi


  • Training course on CDS/ISIS (ver 2.3) and PASCAL (2nd) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Training course on Users Training Programme on Online Information Retrieval organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Training course on Marketing of Information Services & Products organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Short-term course on Computer Applications organized by University of Pune, Pune during 19910204 - 19910216 at Pune, Maharashtra
  • Computer Application in Library & Information Activities organized by Indian Library Association, Delhi during 19910304 - 19910309 at Nagpur, Maharashtra
  • Computer Application in Library & Information Activities organized by Indian Library Association, Delhi during 19910324 - 19910328 at Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh
  • Computer Application to Library and Information Activities(12th) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19910415 - 19910510 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • NISSAT-DRTC Short-term Course on Computer Applications to Library & Information Science(10th) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19910612 - 19910726 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • CDS/ISIS (ver.2.3) and PASCAL(3rd) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19910708 - 19910802 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Computer Application to Library and Information Activities(13th) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19910819 - 19910920 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Computer Application & CDS/ISIS in Library & Information Activities organized by Indian Library Association, Delhi during 19910826 - 19910926 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Computer Applications to Library and Information Centre organized by University of Pune, Pune during 19910826 - 19910907 at Pune, Maharashtra
  • Bibliometrics organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19910930 - 19911012 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Computer Application in Library & Information Activities organized by Indian Library Association, Delhi during 19911007 - 19911012 at Eluru, Andhra Pradesh
  • Workshop on Information Consolidation organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19911021 - 19911026 at Pune, Maharashtra
  • Training course on Computer Application organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19911023 - 19911031 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Computer Application to Library and Information Activities(14th) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19911111 - 19911213 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Use of Computer for Library & Information Science organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19911118 - 19911204 at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
  • Computer Applications to the Library and Information Centres organized by University of Pune, Pune during 19911126 - 19911210 at Pune, Maharashtra


  • NISSAT-DRTC Short-term Course on Computer Applications to Library & Information Science(11th) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19920120 - 19920229 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Information Technology organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19920203 - 19920214 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Short-term courses on Computer Applications organized by University of Pune, Pune during 19920212 - 19920226 at Pune, Maharashtra
  • Computer Application to Library and Information Activities(15th) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19920303 - 19920413 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Recent Developments in Information Technology organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19920322 - 19920421 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Computer Application to Library and Information Activities (for Freshers) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19920413 - 19920515 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • NISSAT-DRTC Short-term Course on Computer Applications to Library & Information Science(12th) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19920511 - 19920619 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Computer Application to Library and Information Activities (for Freshers) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19920525 - 19920626 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Computer Applications to Library and Information Activities organized by University of Pune, Pune during 19920916 - 19920929 at Pune, Maharashtra
  • Bibliometrics organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19921012 - 19921023 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Training Course on Computer-aided Library & Information System & Use of CDS/ISIS organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19921013 - 19921024 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Computer Application to Library and Information Activities(16th) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19921102 - 19921204 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • NISSAT-DRTC Short-term Course on Computer Applications to Library & Information Science(13th) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19921102 - 19921211 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Computer Applications to Library and Information Activities organized by University of Pune, Pune during 19921216 - 19921230 at Pune, Maharashtra


  • CDS/ISIS with PASCAL Interface organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19930104 - 19930129 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • On-line Information Retrieval organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19930203 - 19930205 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Computer Application to Library and Information Activities (for Freshers) organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19930208 - 19930312 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • UNIX Operating System organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19930215 - 19930219 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Computer Applications to Library and Information Activities organized by University of Pune, Pune during 19930224 - 19930310 at Pune, Maharashtra
  • Recent Developments in Information Science & Technology organized by Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi during 19930322 - 19930407 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Visual Communication Technology and its Application in Modern Scientific Communications organized by Academy of Information Science, Mysore during 19930412 - 19930416 at Mysore, Karnataka
  • Computer Applications in Library Services organized by Bengal Library Association, Calcutta during 19930608 - 19930618 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Training Course on Indexing System organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19930901 - 19930930 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • NISSAT-DRTC Short-term Course on Computer Applications to Library & Information Science(14th) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19930906 - 19931015 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • CDS/ISIS Advance Course organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19931101 - 19931130 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Computer Applications in Library Services organized by Bengal Library Association, Calcutta during 19931101 - 19931112 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Training Course on CDS/ISIS organized by UP Library Association, Lucknow during 19931130 - 19931211 at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh


  • Training Course on Technical Communication organized by Society for Information Science, New Delhi during 19940119 - 19940122 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Application of CDS/ISIS in Library & Information Activities organized by Indian Library Association, Delhi during 19940124 - 19940129 at Guwahati, Assam
  • NISSAT-DRTC Short-term Course on Computer Applications to Library & Information Science(15th) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19940201 - 19940315 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Training Course on Marketing of Information Products & Services organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19940228 - 19940311 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Training Course on Computer-aided Library and Information Services and Use of CDS/ISIS organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19940301 - 19940315 at Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu
  • Application of CDS/ISIS in Library & Information Activities organized by Indian Library Association, Delhi during 19940321 - 19940325 at Vijayawada, Tamil Nadu
  • Application of CDS/ISIS in Library & Information Activities organized by Indian Library Association, Delhi during 19940329 - 19940402 at Patiala, Punjab
  • Application of CDS/ISIS in Library & Information Activities organized by Indian Library Association, Delhi during 19940404 - 19940408 at Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh
  • Application of CDS/ISIS in Library & Information Activities organized by Indian Library Association, Delhi during 19940605 - 19940609 at Ankushpur, Orissa
  • Computer Applications in Library Services organized by Bengal Library Association, Calcutta during 19940614 - 19940629 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Workshop on Bibliographic Database Production & Development organized by University of Mysore, Mysore during 19940711 - 19940723 at Mysore, Karnataka
  • Application of CDS/ISIS in Library & Information Activities organized by Indian Library Association, Delhi during 19940725 - 19940729 at Patiala, Punjab
  • AACR II & CCF organized by University of Pune, Pune during 19940829 - 19940903 at Pune, Maharashtra
  • Computer Applications in Library Services organized by Bengal Library Association, Calcutta during 19940912 - 19940930 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Workshop on Universal Decimal Classification organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19940923 - 19941007 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • NISSAT-DRTC Short-term Course on Computer Applications to Library & Information Science(16th) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19941107 - 19941216 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Computer Applications to Library and Information Activities organized by University of Pune, Pune during 19941108 - 19941121 at Pune, Maharashtra
  • Library Automation: Microcomputer for Library & Information Systems organized by Calcutta Library Network, Calcutta during 19941114 - 19941125 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Computer-aided Library& information Services and Use of CDS/ISIS organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19941201 - 19941212 at Calcutta, West Bengal


  • CDROM and Online Systems and Services organized by Calcutta Library Network, Calcutta during 19950206 - 19950217 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Total Quality Management in Libray Services organized by Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow during 19950207 - 19950209 at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
  • Computer-aided Library & information Services and Use of CDS/ISIS organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19950302 - 19950313 at Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
  • Computer-aided Library& Information Services and Use of CDS/ISIS organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19950306 - 19950318 at Midnapore, West Bengal
  • Training on Micro CDS/ISIS organized by Academy of Information Science, Mysore during 19950403 - 19950414 at Mysore, Karnataka
  • Marketing of Library & Inf.Products & Services organized by Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow during 19950405 - 19950407 at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
  • Modern Access Facilities for Information on Business and Industry organized by Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer, New Delhi during 19950424 - 19950428 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Training Course on CDS/ISIS organized by UP Library Association, Lucknow during 19950529 - 19950608 at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
  • Application of Computer in Library & Information Activities organized by Bengal Library Association, Calcutta during 19950914 - 19950927 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Application of Computer in Library & Information Activities organized by Bengal Library Association, Calcutta during 19951016 - 19951105 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Computer Cataloguing organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19951108 - 19951121 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Library Automation: Microcomputer Library & Information Systems organized by Calcutta Library Network, Calcutta during 19951113 - 19951124 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Computer-aided Library& Information Services and Use of CDS/ISIS organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19951204 - 19951215 at Calcutta, West Bengal


  • NISSAT-DRTC Short-term Course on Computer Applications to Library & Information Science(17th) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19960127 - 19960301 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Modern Access Facilities for Information on Business and Industry organized by Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer, New Delhi during 19960227 - 19960301 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Training Course on Technical Communication organized by Society for Information Science, New Delhi during 19960312 - 19960316 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Modern Access Facilities for Information on Business and Industry organized by Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer, New Delhi during 19960527 - 19960531 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Training Course on CDS/ISIS organized by Institute of Environment and Rural Technology, Allahabad during 19960624 - 19960629 at Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
  • Training Course on CDS/ISIS organized by Regional Centre for Inf.& Appropriate Technology Management, Allahabad during 19960715 - 19960727 at Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
  • Universal Decimal Classification organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19960909 - 19960921 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Interaction Meet on Information Technology for Consultants organized by Consultancy Development Centre, New Delhi during 19961025 - 19961025 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Workshop on Advances in IT: Impact on Library & Inf.fields organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19961028 - 19961030 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Computerized Cataloguing organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19961230 - 19970111 at Calcutta, West Bengal


  • NISSAT-DRTC Short-term Course on Computer Applications to Library & Information Science(18th) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19970303 - 19970411 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Computer-aided Library & Information Systems and Use of CDS/ISIS organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19970310 - 19970322 at Burdwan, West Bengal
  • Regional Workshop on IDAMS organized by National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies, New Delhi during 19970317 - 19970321 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Training Course on CDS/ISIS organized by BAIF Development Research Foundation, Pune during 19970701 - 19970710 at Pune, Maharashtra
  • Customer's Satisfaction Management in Library & Information Setting(LIS) organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19970915 - 19970920 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Computer-aided Information Repackaging and Documentation organized by Regional Centre for Inf.& Appropriate Technology Management, Allahabad during 19971101 - 19971115 at Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
  • Training on Micro CDS/ISIS organized by Academy of Information Science, Mysore during 19971103 - 19971115 at Mysore, Karnataka
  • Computer-aided Information Management System Using CDS/ISIS organized by Regional Centre for Inf.& Appropriate Technology Management, Allahabad during 19971116 - 19971130 at Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
  • CDS/ISIS Application organized by Calcutta Library Network, Calcutta during 19971117 - 19971128 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Role of Information Technology in Library & Inf. Science organized by University of Poona, Pune during 19971209 - 19971219 at Pune, Maharashtra
  • Role of Information Technology and its advances in Library & Information Science organized by University of Pune, Pune during 19971209 - 19971219 at Pune, Maharashtra
  • Interaction Meet on Information Technology for Consultants organized by Consultancy Development Centre, New Delhi during 19971213 - 19971213 at Pune, Maharashtra
  • Computer-aided Information Management System using CDS/ISIS organized by Regional Centre for Inf.& Appropriate Technology Management, Allahabad during 19971216 - 19971230 at Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
  • Interaction Meet on Information Technology for Consultants organized by Consultancy Development Centre, New Delhi during 19971223 - 19971223 at Bangalore, Karnataka


  • NISSAT-DRTC Short-term Course on Computer Applications to Library & Information Work(19th) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19980105 - 19980213 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Universal Decimal Classification organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19980119 - 19980130 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Effective Use of the Internet's Information Resources: Special Emphasis on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development organized by Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi during 19980122 - 19980123 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Workshop on Practical Orientation to Internet organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19980128 - 19980130 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Patent Information in R & D and Industry organised by National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies, New Delhi during 19980212 - 19980213 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Computerised Calatoguing organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19980300 at Burdwan, West Bengal
  • Advance Course in Computer Application organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19980316 - 19980327 at Gwahati, Assam
  • Workshop on Informatrics & Scientometrics organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19980316 - 19980319 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Designing a Successful Web Site and Publishing on the Web organized by Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi during 19980319 - 19980320 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Patent Information for R&D and Industry organised by Central Machine Tool Institute, Bangalore during 19980616 - 19980617 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Editorial and Publishing Skills organized by Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi during 19980809 - 19980811 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Multimedia organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19980824 - 19980905 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Interaction Meet on Marketing Services through Internet organized by Consultancy Development Centre, New Delhi during 19980901 - 19980901 at Mumbai, Maharashtra
  • Patent Information in R&D and Industry organised by National Chemical Laboratory, Pune during 19980908 - 19980909 at Pune, Maharashtra
  • Interaction Meet on Information Technology for Consultants organized by Consultancy Development Centre, New Delhi during 19980916 - 19980916 at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
  • Training Course on CDS/ISIS organized by Institute of Information Studies, Bangalore during 19981102 - 19981113 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Scientific Management of Libraries & Information Centres organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 19981116 - 19981121 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Interaction Meet on Information Technology for Consultants organized by Consultancy Development Centre, New Delhi during 19981205 - 19981205 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Computer Application in Library Management organized by Madhya Pradesh Council of Science & Technology, Bhopal during 19981214 - 19981226 at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
  • Use of Computer & its Applications in the Information Science & Technology organized by Tezpur University, Tezpur during 19981215 - 19981224 at Tezpur, Assam


  • Training Course on CDS/ISIS organized by Institute of Information Studies, Bangalore during 19990111 - 19990121 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Computer Application in Library Management organized by Madhya Pradesh Council of Science & Technology, Bhopal during 19990115 - 19990130 at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
  • NISSAT-DRTC Short-term Course on Computer Applications to Library & Information Work(20th) organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre, Bangalore during 19990118 - 19990226 at Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Information Access & Science Communication organized by Academy of Information Science, Mysore during 19990128 - 19990129 at Mysore, Karnataka
  • Computer Application in Library Management organized by Madhya Pradesh Council of Science & Technology, Bhopal during 19990214 - 19990226 at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
  • Advance Training Course on CDS/ISIS and WINISIS organized by Gauhati University, Guwahati during 19990215 - 19990226 at Guwahati, Assam
  • Computer Application in Library Management organized by Madhya Pradesh Council of Science & Technology, Bhopal during 19990314 - 19990326 at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
  • Interaction Meet on Marketing Services through Internet organized by Consultancy Development Centre, New Delhi during 19990320 - at Ahmedabad, Gujarat
  • Patent Information for R&D and Industry organised by Regional Research Laboratory, Bhubaneswar during 19990323 - 19990324 at Bhubaneswar, Orissa
  • Library Automation organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur during 19990607 - 19990702 at Kharagpur, West Bengal
  • Training Course on Computer Applications to Library and Information Work organized by Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad during 19990716 - 19990730 at Aurangaba, Maharashtra
  • NISSAT-CDC Awareness-cum-Implementation Programme on ISO 9000 Quality Management System (QMS) organized by Consultancy Development Centre, New Delhi during 19990803 - 19990804 at New Delhi, Delhi
  • Library Automation organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur during 19990809 - 19990902 at Kharagpur, West Bengal
  • Advance Training Course on CDS/ISIS and WINISIS organized by the Maharaja Sayajirao University, Baroda, Vadodara during 19990816 - 19990827 at Vadodara, Gujarat
  • Advance Training Course on CDS/ISIS and WINISIS organized by Dr.Y.S.Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan during 19991005 - 19991015 at Solan, Himachal Pradesh


  • Basic course on CDS/ISIS organized by Madhya Pradesh Council of Science & Technology, Bhopal during 20000117 - 20000129 at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
  • Application of Computers to Library & Information Centres organized by Kerala Agricultural University, Trissur during 20000217 - 20000226 at Trissur, Kerala
  • Training Course on WINISIS organized by Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi during 20000306 - 20000310 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Basic course on CDS/ISIS organized by Madhya Pradesh Council of Science & Technology, Bhopal during 20000320 - 20000331 at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
  • Modern Information Access Facilities organized by Kerala Agricultural University, Trissur during 20000417 - 20000419 at Trissur, Kerala
  • Training Course on WINISIS organized by Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun during 20000424 - 20000428 at Dehradun, Uttar Pradesh
  • Workshop on Internet organized by University of Mysore, Mysore during 20000424 - 20000426 at Mysore, Karnataka
  • Training Course on WINISIS organized by BAIF Development Research Foundation, Pune during 20000718 - 20000722 at Pune, Maharashtra
  • Training Course on WINISIS organized by Goa University, Goa during 20000719 - 20000723 at Goa, Goa
  • Workshop on Intellctual Property Rights and Food Security organized by M.S.Swaminathan Reseach Foundation, Chennai during 20000803 - 20000804 at Chenna, Tamil Nadu
  • Training Course on WINISIS organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres, Calcutta during 20000918 - 20000922 at Calcutta, West Bengal
  • Training Course on WINISIS organized by Academy of Information Science, Mysore during 20001106 - 20001110 at Mysore, Karnataka
  • Training Course on WINISIS organized by State Council for Science, Technology and Environment, Shimla during 20001106 - 20001110 at Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
  • Workshop on Patent Information for R&D and Industry organized by Madhya Pradesh Consultancy Organization Ltd., Bhopal during 20001207 - 20001208 at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.


Information Today & Tomorrow, Vol. 20, No. 2, June 2001, p.11-p.21 & p.30

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