Technology Description (Aerospace Systems)


Title of Technology : Design & Development For

1. Location Based tracking And Navigation System

2. Global Positioning System Based Land, Air & Marine Systems

Technology Description


 1 . Aerospace Systems Limited (ASL) is engaged in the indigenous design and development of Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers and Differential GPS (DGPS).

 2 . ASL has completed the indigenous development of GPS receiver and provides system solutions using GPS technology in the areas of Automatic Vehicle Tracking, Mining, Mapping, Navigation (Land, Air and Marine) etc. and differential GPS reference stations for Survey applications, Aircraft landing system, etc.,

 3 . ASL Our Airborne GPS receivers are Airworthiness certified for defense use by Airworthiness certifying authority (CEMILAC) in India, and manufactured under the strict quality control procedures of ALISDA.
The ruggedized GPS receivers for land applications are certified by the Directorate General of Quality Assurance (DGQA).

 4 . ASL has established an infrastructure that it offers services for development and post installation and maintenance. The R&D center offers an extensive range of technology based services like Joint development (Hardware and Software), Tool development (Software), Enhancement / Value addition (Hardware and Software), ASIC design (Hardware and Software), Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Computation (Software).

 5 . ASL expertise is in Real time embedded systems, Intelligent I/O controllers, DSP based systems, CISC / RISC based processor modules, VHD / VERILOG modeling, simulation & synthesis.