Technology Description (Ultrafilter India)

Manufacturing Plant For Industrial Filters, Process Filters, Compressed Air Dryers

Technology Description

  • Ultrafilter ( India ) Private Limited (UPL), was the first one to obtain ISO-9001 certification and still maintains leadership position in India
  • UPL associated with most prestigious projects in space research programme. UPL has also developed design for aircraft quality filters for Defence establishments (air crafts).
  • The efficient filtration of compressed air is a complex problem and UPL offers the right solution by providing not only higher efficiency but also greater reliability with lower operating costs. UPL filters reduce wear & tear in pneumatic equipment tools and instruments, cuts down production stoppages and lowers repairs costs.
  • The wide range of filters which UPL manufactures are Sintered polyethylene, Sintered bronze, Fine/ Micro fine / Submicrofine and Activated carbon.
  • UPL offers solutions and systems for process filtration. Range of products include Sintered SS mesh, Pleated SS mesh, Sintered SS.
  • Compressed air is used for painting equipment, in chemical industries, Food-Processing industries, Glass factories and in plants conveying and handling hygroscopic raw materials. The installation of dryers is integral to eliminate the condensate, which pollutes the production cycle.
  • The range of dryers manufactured by UPL include Refrigerated dryers and Desiccant dryers. Complete systems can be designed and built in a project management mode such as high pressure CNG, LNG, O2, N2, He, water recycling, large compressed air drying systems, etc.