Technology / Product Status (VEM)

1)Since the company's inception in 1988, VEM has been a pioneer in the field of versatile, high performance Defence technology. Design and manufacturing excellence combined with a methodology that is six-sigma driven, helps deliver products that not only meet VEM customer's requirements, but also exceed expectations. Its products are widely accepted in Electronic consumer appliances like washing machines, Manufacturing industries and Avionics application industry.

2)Single crystal is the original PV technology invented in 1955, and never known to wear out. Polycrystalline entered the market in 1981. It is similar in performance and reliability. Single crystal modules are composed of cells cut from a piece of continuous crystal. The material forms a cylinder which is sliced into thin circular wafers. To minimize waste, the cells may be fully round or they may be trimmed into other shapes, retaining more or less of the original circle. Because each cell is cut from a single crystal, it has a uniform color which is dark blue.

3)Multi crystalline cells are made from similar silicon material except that instead of being grown into a single crystal, it is melted and poured into a mold. This forms a square block that can be cut into square wafers with less waste of space or material than round single-crystal wafers. As the material cools it crystallizes in an imperfect manner, forming random crystal boundaries. The efficiency of energy conversion is slightly lower. This merely means that the size of the finished module is slightly greater per watt than most single crystal modules. The cells look different from single crystal cells. The surface has a jumbled look with many variations of blue color. In fact, they are quite beautiful like sheets of gemstone.