Title of Technology : Know-How For Manufacturing Superhet Receiver, Wide Band Tuner, Band Pass Filter Technology Description

 1) When constructing a superhet receiver needing just one coil/tuning-capacitor combination, there's the obvious advantage that only one simple coil needs to be made. It also makes the receiver very easy to experiment with by changing the coil dimensions, etc.

 2) The set will cover all of the HF ham bands, as well as the International Short Wave stations. To enable the reception of SSB signals, two simple designs for the beat frequency oscillator (BFO) are also presented. Both operate at the 455-kHz IF frequency and will only need loose coupling to the IF stage by placing the lead near the ZN416 IC. Superhet receiver is still capable of worldwide reception when connected to a few meters of wire as an antenna.

 3) Ultra wideband signals are widely present in applications such as SAR or UWB Radar, ECM/ESM and SIGINT/ELINT and in some wireless applications .