Title of Technology : Manufacturing Plant For Fibreglass Reinforced Plastics

Technology Description


 1)Thermosetting plastic materials are always used in conjunction with reinforcement and fillers. The mechanical strength and the resistance to heat and other service conditions of thermosetting plastic pipe depend on the type of resin used as the matrix, the type and construction of the reinforcement, the nature of the fillers and the method of fabrication.

 2)A thermosetting material may be cured by the use of heat, radiation, catalysts or a combination of these. The polymer component consists of molecules with permanent cross-links between linear chains that form a rigid three-dimensional network structure which cannot flow

 3)Epoxy resins are thermosetting resins of great technical and commercial importance, on the market since 1946, just after the Second World War. There are numerous producers all over the world, especially in recent years with the development of so-called composites, which are the base of thermosetting resins (like polyesters or epoxy resins) with addition of fibrose reinforcement, which increases their mechanical strength. Apart from composites, epoxy resins are used for the electronic, chemical and mechanical industries.