Title of Technology : Turnkey Project for Manufacturing of Crystalline and Amorphous PV Modules

1)TITAN Energy Systems is one of the leading Indian manufacturer and exporter of Solar Photovoltaic Modules, established in 1995. TITAN has over 9 years experience of exporting its Solar Photovoltaic Modules and Systems to various countries like Germany, USA, South Africa, South East Asian Countries, Australia etc.

 2)TITAN manufactures SPV modules of various capacities ranging from 5Wp to 200Wp catering to domestic and international customer requirements. Unlike any other manufacturers in India, Titan modules are always built with Cerenium doped Low Iron and high transitivity toughened glass to ensure long life without any browning effect either for its domestic market or for its overseas customers.

 3)TITAN is the only Company in India that developed a manufacturing facility to laminate and frame the Amorphous Silicon Modules confirming to the International standards. The wattage range for these Amorphous (Asi) modules ranges from 1.5Wp to 100Wp. These modules are exclusively developed for Export Market and are certified to be conforming to IEC 61646.

 4)TITAN had a strategic alliance with RWE Solar GmbH, Germany to manufacture Crystalline and Amorphous (Asi) Solar Photovoltaic Modules conforming to the International Standards viz., IEC 61215 and IEC 61646 to serve its customer base spread all over the world. RWE Solar GmbH is fully owned by RWE GmbH, the second largest Company in Germany.

 5)Single crystal is the original PV technology invented in 1955, and never known to wear out. Polycrystalline entered the market in 1981. It is similar in performance and reliability. Single crystal modules are composed of cells cut from a piece of continuous crystal. The material forms a cylinder which is sliced into thin circular wafers. To minimize waste, the cells may be fully round or they may be trimmed into other shapes, retaining more or less of the original circle. Because each cell is cut from a single crystal, it has a uniform color which is dark blue.

 6)Multi crystalline cells are made from similar silicon material except that instead of being grown into a single crystal, it is melted and poured into a mold. This forms a square block that can be cut into square wafers with less waste of space or material than round single-crystal wafers. As the material cools it crystallizes in an imperfect manner, forming random crystal boundaries. The efficiency of energy conversion is slightly lower. This merely means that the size of the finished module is slightly greater per watt than most single crystal modules. The cells look different from single crystal cells. The surface has a jumbled look with many variations of blue color. In fact, they are quite beautiful like sheets of gemstone.

 7)Advances in amorphous silicon solar cell and module development over the past two decades has led to widespread commercial application in consumer and building integrated photovoltaic applications (BIPV). The technology has taken two pathways: (i) superstrate and (ii) substrate. Both pathways have unique advantages over crystalline modules and have demonstrated promising stability and reliability with continuous improvement in performance. Multi-junction modules with amorphous and microcrystalline silicon have demonstrated initial conversion efficiencies in the range of 13%-13.5%.