Vacancies - Result


F.No. A-12023/01/2008-Estt


Appointment of Scientist 'D' and Scientist 'C' on deputation / absorption (including short term contract) basis in DSIR - reg Reference Employment News Advertisement No. A-12023/01/2008-Estt dated 25-31 July 2009 on the subject noted above.The following persons have been selected for appointment:-


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Scientist 'D'

Dr Ramanuj Banerjee, Scientist 'D'

Scientist 'C'

  1. Shri K K Soundrapandian, Scientist 'C'

  2. Shri Vinay Gautam, Scientist 'C'

  3. Shri P K Agarwal, Scientist 'C'

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S K Kalra

Under Secretary (Admn)
Department of Scientific & Industrial Research