With support from UNESCO, a Clearinghouse on CDS/ISIS software package has been established in National Information System for Science and Technology (NISSAT), Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi. NISSAT is the national distributor of UNESCO supported softwares like CDS/ISIS and IDAMS. The broad objectives and related activities are given below:

  1. To collect and disseminate information on CDS/ISIS based applications, databases, softwares, utilities, training courses, etc.

  • Collection of information on

  1. Documents, articles and publications on CDS/ISIS,

  2. Training materials like course notes, audio-visuals, manuals, tutorials, etc.

  3. Information on training courses (in different languages, cost curricula, etc.) being provided in the region and

  4. Information on databases of general/common interest which could be exchanged/shared within the region.

  • Collect information on utility developed by member countries to improve the capabilities and user friendliness of the software to be made known to others.

  • Document the survey questionnaires, application programs/databases, etc.

  • Search CD-ROM databases, Internet, etc. to get information/bibliography on CDS/ISIS

  1. To create an ASTINFO directory of CDS/ISIS installations

  • Collect information on CDS/ISIS users, the applications developed in the region and create a directory so that users can know their availability, cost, documentation, purpose/speciality, etc.

  1. To create a database of experts on CDS/ISIS and

  2. To create a database of library networking experts in the region

  • Collect information on experts in the region and liaison with other regions on similar activities

  • Prepare a list of data elements for creating database on documents reports training materials etc.

  • Publication of catalogue of the above items, to be made available to the distributors of CDS/ISIS in the region.

National distributors/ASTINFO Coordination units are requested to cooperate by sending information on :

  • CDS/ISIS utilities, databases, training courses, etc. developed in the country

  • Acquistions of shareware, freeware, etc.

  • Local experts in the region (atleast 15-20 names of experts who can be used as resource persons in training courses, application development, etc.)

  • Experts on library networks (about 20 experts and institutions)

NISSAT will send the questionnaires, etc. to the National distributors for collection of above mentioned information.

How to access

  • A significant portion of information collected by the Clearinghouse will be available on a webpage to make it accessible to remote users.

  • Copies of the Database/applications/training courses, etc. will be made available to the National distributors through electronic/printed media.