VOL. 17 NO. 1 JANUARY-MARCH 1998 - RU on Internet?

Vimal Kumar Varun
Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi-110016
Internet: vkv[at]nic[dot]in URL: http://members.tripod.com/~vkv

http://www.cindoc.csic.es/cybermetrics /cybermetrics.html



http://www.cindoc.csic.es/cybermetrics /cybermetrics.html

Cybermetrics (International Journal of Scientometrics, Informetrics and Bibliometrics, ISSN 1137-5019) is the international peer-reviewed electronic-only journal devoted to scientometrics, bibliometrics and informetrics, with special emphasis on three areas :

— Impact of the Internet on these disciplines and researchers

— Application of bibliometric methods to the analysis of scientific communication in the Web and the Usenet

— Evaluation of electronic scientific journals in the World Wide Web

Cybermetrics is published in English and distributed FREE on the World Wide Web by the Centro de Informaci�n y Documentaci�n Cient�fica (CINDOC) [  http://www.cindoc. csic.es/  ] of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient�ficas (CSIC) [  http://www.csic.es/ ] in Madrid (Spain).

The Information Society
http://www.ics.uci.edu/~kling/ tis.html

The Information Society (TIS) journal, published since 1981, is a key critical forum for leading edge analysis of the impacts, policies, system concepts, methodologies related to information technologies and changes in society and culture. Some of the key information technologies include computers and tele-communications; the sites of social change include homelife, workplaces, schools, communities and diverse organizations, as well as new social forms in cyberspace. TIS is a refereed journal that publishes scholarly articles, position papers, debates, short communications and book reviews.

Rob Kling serves as TIS's Editor-in-Chief. TIS is published by Taylor & Francis, a publisher with a long tradition of publishing fine journals.

The Information Society's editorial offices are located at Center for Social Informatics [ http://www-slis.lib.indiana.edu/CSI ]. A brief history of The Information Society Journal.is available at  http://www.ics.uci.edu/~kling/tishist.html



The Information Society's editorial offices are located at Center for Social Informatics [ http://www-slis.lib.indiana.edu/CSI ]. A brief history of The Information Society Journal.is available at  http://www.ics.uci.edu/~kling/tishist.html

BLDS Bibliographic Database

This is the web searchable version of the library catalogue and journal articles database of the British Library for Development Studies [ http://www.ids.ac.uk/blds/blds.html ] at the Institute of Development Studies, UK [ http://www.ids.ac.uk/ids/ ]

The database contains records of over 116,000 documents held by the Library - all serial titles held, monographs acquired since 1987 and journal articles selectively indexed since 1990. Further developments to this new interface are planned.

Please send your comments, questions and suggestions to blds[dot]devline[at]sussex[dot]ac[dot]uk

Glossary of Terms and Initials

--> http://www.ccta.gov.uk/gloss.htm


The UK Central Computer and Telecommuni-cation Agency's glossary of internet and other computing acronyms and technical terms, updated February 1998, is still in its infancy. The information already compiled is being provided for general use, and to encourage others to suggest additions or amendments. It continues to grow daily, encompassing not just the world of standards, but the world of IT as well.

Contact: Martin J Carr, Standards and Trade Marks at mcarr[at]ccta[dot]gov[dot]uk for more information.


CRISTAL-ED (Coalition on Reinventing Information Science, Technology, And Library EDucation) is an international, multidisciplinary, collaborative consortium. Its mission is to define new professional specializations that will serve society's needs for information access in this rapidly merging age of digital data, information, and knowledge.

CRISTAL-ED Mail List Discussion was launched on Friday, January 20, 1995. Initially, the CRISTAL-ED discussion focused on the vision of the new Information and Library Studies (ILS) education, and then moved to targeting planning, prototyping, and implementing new core curricula for such education.

To subscribe:
mailto: majordomo[at]si[dot]umich[dot]edu
message: subscribe cristal-ed

Internet Intelligence Bulletin Taster

The FREE 'taster' version of the bulletin available monthly contains five sections on news, case studies, law-jurisdiction, internet statistical bulletin and security material.

To subscribe:
mailto: subs[at]iib[dot]com
subject: subscribe taster
message: one or more recipient email addresses

The full fortnightly version of the bulletin carries much more extensive news; case studies of Internet and intranet use in the public sector; supplier analysis; full statistics bulletin; security coverage; and more, in three separate files every fortnight - much more coverage, much more frequently. Articles which appear in this taster version may be edited down versions of the full originals.

Subscription costs 192 UK Pounds a year, or 500 Pounds for free distribution around an entire organisation by intranet or other means. US Dollar rates are available on application. There are other benefits for full subscribers, including a searchable web archive of our legal coverage.

Contact: The Editor at editor[at]iib[dot]com or visit http://www.iib.com for subscribing, or in trialling the full version.

Eye on IT

Eye on IT, the free weekly on-line magazine of I.T. Works, analyzes the new developments, products, trends, etc. in information technology (IT), Internet and Intranet. The latest version of this newsletter is always available at  http://www.itworks.be/EyeonIT/current.html

To Subscribe:
mailto: subscribe[at]itworks[dot]be

Reactions, comments or submissions may be send to EyeonIT[at]itworks[dot]be


TOURBUS is a FREE Internet newsletter brought to you by the team of Patrick Douglas Crispen, creator of the popular ROADMAP series and Bob Rankin, freelance columnist and author of the book Dr. Bob's Painless Guide To The Internet.

TOURBUS, a must for newbies, enlists a dozen of must see Internet sites. And even the old-timers will find this a valuable refresher course in what's hot, what's cool, and what's plain fun in cyberspace!

TOURBUS is a text-based tour of some of the coolest sites on the Internet. Patrick and Bob serve as tour guides, not only giving the sites' addresses but also an inside look at what actually makes each TOURBUS stop cool.

To Subscribe:
mailto: LISTSERV[at]LISTSERV[dot]AOL[dot]COM

Cyber Times

Cyber Times is the FREE weekly newsletter on Indian infotech from Cyber India Online. It contains Top Indian IT News, Top 5 IT jobs and Random Thoughts of the week.

To Subscribe:
mailto: cybertimes-request[at]s1[dot]net
message: subscribe
or visit http://www.ciol.com/register.html for Form based subscription.