VOL. 17 NO. 2 APRIL-JUNE 1998 - Events

IATLIS National Seminar

The XV Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science (IATLIS) National Seminar was held from 27-29 November 1997 at the Department of Library and Information Science at University of Mysore Campus, Mysore.

The theme of the Seminar was `Fifty Years of LIS Education in India.' There were five technical sessions and 25 papers were contributed by authors grouped in seven categories — LIS education, LIS curriculum, information technology, LIS distance education, standardisation and LIS education, research in LIS, and LIS professional associations. The pre-conference volume titled `Fifty Years of LIS Education in India', edited by Prof. AAN Raju, Prof. N. Laxman Rao and Dr. S. Sudarshan Rao, was brought out on the occasion.

Earlier, Prof. S.N. Hegde, Vice-Chencellor, University of Mysore, inaugurating the seminar stressed the role of libraries and information services in academic and research activities. He also highlighted the role of books in human life. While identifying the growth and application of new technologies in information access and use, he stressed on development of good expertise in managing libraries and information systems.

Prof. N B Pangannaya, Department of Library Science and Information Science and Local Organising Secretary, welcomed the guests and delegates and Prof. K.A. Issac, former Librarian and Head of the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Kerala delivered the keynote address on `Fifty Years of LIS Education in India'. Prof. Issac identified the current trends in LIS education in India and stressed on restructuring the LIS curriculum,

development of competent teaching staff, library and laboratory facilities for imparting knowledge and skills in information science and technology. He also suggested the setting up of a national body entrusted with the responsibility of periodically evaluating and granting recognition to all LIS courses conducted by universities and other organizations.

The following recommondations were drawn:

  1. The two streams of LIS education—one that of BLISc and MLISc degree programmes of one year duration each and the other of two years integrated Masters Degree program—be considered as equivalent

  2. The teachers and library professionals to be encouraged to write text books in regional languages through team work and through translation.

  3. Since majority of LIS schools are lacking adequate infrastructural facilities, UGC should provide special financial assistance to develop adequate, need-based IT infrastructural facilities in LIS schools.

  4. UGC should appoint a `Review Committee' to go through the entire scheme of educational programmes in LIS and to suggest suitable measure to improve the education to be capable to meet current and future challenges of the profession.

  5. It is recommended that the LIS programmes offered through distance education should be improved qualitatively and also be evaluated. periodically by a competent authority.

  6. To promote the healthy upward trend in LIS research and to guide future research programmes, it is recommended that a research database be prepared as inventory of research carried out in LIS.