VOL. 17 NO. 2 APRIL-JUNE 1998 - Patent Information in R&D and Industry: A Report


First workshop of the 1998 series on Patent Information in R&D and Industry was organised by National Information System for Science & Technology (NISSAT), Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) in collaboration with National Institute of Science Technology and Development Studies (NISTADS), Council of Scientific & Industrial Research(CSIR) during 12-13, 1998 February, 1998 in New Delhi. Forty-five participants from industry, S&T agencies and departments, national R&D institutions and universities participated in the workshop.

Aims and Objectives

The workshop aimed at :

  1. Generating an awareness on the importance of patent information in R&D industry in the emerging economic environment;

  2. Dwelling upon the sources of patent information and quality search methodologies including use of CD/ROM/ Internet based patent information systems in India and abroad; and

  3. Highlighting the application and utilisation of patent information for decision in R&D and industry through specific case studies.


Dr. R.A. Mashelkar, Secretary DSIR and DG CSIR inaugurated the workshop. He emphasised the need for inculcating patent literacy amongst the scientists as well as the public at large by citing the example of recent investigations by a group of scientists from IEEE, USA. He informed that the discovery of solid state diode detector device, used by Marconi in first transatlantic wireless communication was invented by Prof. J.C. Bose. Prof. Bose did not take patent on the invention based on which a patent was taken by Marconi. The ignorance about patent as much continued 100 years later today.

Welcoming the participants, Dr. Abhijit Lahiri, Adviser, NISSAT distinguished between patents, patenting and patent information. He informed that NISSAT would be concentrating on patent information and copyrights and closely examine the various issues of intellectual property rights. He pointed out that a deeper thought and efforts have gone into the organisation of a series of workshop wherein the main focus has been on preparation of a series of case studies and demonstration of use of databases and patent searches.

The inauguration session in progress [Photograph]

In his special remarks, Dr. Ashok Jain, Director, NISTADS referred to the variety of purposes for which one could use the patent information. Some of these were related to identification of technological trends, competitors, owners of technology and active research group in the field.

Shri. V.K. Gupta, Scientist, NISTADS extended a vote of thanks.

Themes and Presentation

The main themes of the workshop were (i)basic concepts of patent information, (ii)sources of patent information, (iii) search methodologies and (iv) patent information a strategic R&D tool and case studies.

The course material was provided in two volumes — one containing five case studies specifically prepared for the workshop and the other containing the latest information on relevant aspects of patent information.

Shri V.K. Bali, NIC delivered a talk on basic concepts of patent information. Shri. D.P.S. Parmer, Patent Office, New Delhi shared his experiences with the sources of patent information including national, international, private databases as well as those based on CD-ROM and Internet. Shri M. Waicker and Dr. Anish Mahendru made a presentation on Chemical Abstracts STN information and the services of patent information databases provided by STN.

Shri S. Arun presented the salient features of Derwent patent databases, their availability and cost effectiveness.

Dr. M.P. Bhatnagar elucidated the basic concepts of national and international patent classification and codes. The importance of classification of patent information was highlighted. Shri. C.M. Gaind, NRDC explained the different search methodologies for accessing patent information.

Shri V.K. Gupta and ShriK.C. Garg, NISTADS presented the case study on Fullerenes —emerging trends and technological opportunities, and patenting activity in the field of biosensors respectively. The case study on Universal support for DNA & RNA synthesis was presented by Dr. K.C. Gupta, Dr. R.K. Gupta CSIR presented the case study on turmeric patent — the experience of CSIR in successfully opposing a US patent on turmeric. A case study of patent search methodology was presented by Shri V.K. Bali from NIC.

The course was found extremely useful by the participants and they suggested few new topics like cost aspects of patent search, business intelligence, biodiversity and patenting, patenting system and procedures in India, demonstration of online patent search, etc. in the future programmes.

- S. Ravindran