Vol. 17 No. 4 October - December 1998 - AKSHARDHAM

AKSHARDHAM is the cultural Nucleus dedicated to Lord Swaminarayan, the epoch-maker who was on Earth from AD 781-1830. It spread over 23 acres of verdant land and manifests 4 major elements, i.e., Akshardham Monument, Akshardham Experience, AARSH and Sahajanand-Vun. Akshardham, conceived as the embodiment of life-sculpture, is a unique gift to humanity.

Akshardham is created and organized by the Bochasanwasi Shri Abar Purushottam Sanstha, a non-profit socio-religious organization with worldwide centers. The organization does not aim at the skies but at the Earth, at the individuals, so that they   find comfort, peace, and happiness in life.

The foundation-stone of Akshardham, Lord Swaminarayan's Bicentenary Memorial, was laid by Pramukh Swami Maharaj on December 14, 1979 in Gadhinagar, Gujarat. He laid open the gates of Akshardham for all people inviting them to come and enrich their life on October 30, 1992.


Akshardham Monument, a delicate and beautiful architectural marvel, is located at the center of the spacious Akshardham and blossomed, from Rajasthan's pink stone. In Akshardham, Aksharbrahman — the choicest of God — and innumerable liberated souls serve God. The Akshardham Monument expresses this philosophical view-point. There is graphic exposition of some of Lord Swaminarayan's thoughts and personal trails on the top floor. Intricate carvings adorn the whole architecture.

A treasure if rare divine objects related to Lord Swaminarayan's life and times, from the clothes and footwear, is housed in the ground floor. This museum, through its historic authenticity, will ever remain the witness of God's incarnation on earth.


Akshardham Experience, a permanent exhibition, sheds light on the basic values of a molded life leading to everlasting happiness. It presents the eternal truths of Indian Culture and World Religions in creative ways. Akshardham Experience comprises five areas, namely, Sahajanand, Sat-Chit-Anand, Nityanand, Nijanand, and Premanand.


Sajanand consists of major aspects of Lord Swaminarayan's life, work, and message are presented through various modern media. Its highlights are:

A video shows portraying the darkest period of Indian history, the eighteenth century.

* Large engraved coloured glasses depicting the elements of our universe in joyful mood.

* The sight of God's incarnation on Earth from space, simulated by fibre-optics.

* A thrilling experience of Lord Swaminarayan's travels through mountains, jungles, and valleys.

* A light and sound show in a village environment where the narrator is a banayan tree.

* A prayer hall with suspended bridges and a unique prayer of Lord Swaminarayan.

* The idol of the Lord surrounded by the idols of His 500 sadhus who spread the message of love and peace.

* Impressive spectacles of temples, pages from Shikshapatri, and dioramas of Sagram Vaghari and the prostitute of Jetalpur.


It is an artistic auditorium delivers a universal message — the way to everlasting happiness- through a multimedia presentation,  Integrovision delivering a spiritual message through 14 screens and 22 slide-video projectors. Sat-Chit-Anand means Truth- Knowledge-Bliss. Integrovision shows the way to this sublime state. The brain, a multi-channel receiver, integrates at amazing speed, the incoming signals from the outer world. Integrovision, uses this faculty and integrates artistic, light and sound effects, and slide and video projections on 14 screens to deliver a universal message - an answer to man's eternal struggle to grasp the ultimate meaning of his existence.

The presentation begins with a gentle reminder that one alone have the privilege to choose. The next sequence shows man's pursuit of happiness from affluence to austerities. The following sequence affirm that overlasting happiness results from the realization of atma (soul) and Paramatma (God). This is possible only through the guidance of a spiritual master. The finale offers alternatives placing the choice in one hands.


It provides an opportunity to grasp some of the eternal truths of Indian Culture, to mould one's life, as one passes through the different episodes like the ashram of the Upanishadic sage, or Ashok Vatika, or Draupadi's humiliation in Duryodhan's palace. The episodes are brought alive by elaborate settings and dioramas.


It is a hall where there is a sweet coexistence of World religions. It also informs about the symbol, scriptures, pilgrim places, moral nodes, and prayer of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. All religions, born on the same earth, growing under the same skies, they share the same threads of purity and morality. And the real truth of all religion is Universal Harmony.


It introduces the great Indian religious poets, namely, Tulsidas, Surdas, Kabir, Jaidev, Andal, Tukaram, Narsimh Mehta, Mirabai, and Premanand through their soul-stirring songs. These poets were immersed in the bliss of God's love.

AARSH - The Research Centre

AARSH stands for Akshardham-Centre for Applied Research in Social Harmony. It is an innovative institute conducting studies on education, medicare, tribal and rural welfare, ecology, natural-calamity-management, curbing of social life, and culture.          AARSH hopes to turn out not just scholars but active volunteer workers who would spread the message of socio-spiritual harmony.


It is a cultural garden that is carefully landscaped employing natural elements such as land contours, waterfall, lakes trees, and plants. It also encompasses a herbal garden, open-air theatre, India-village, and children's games. It nourishes over 47,000 trees, plants, shrubs and creepers. Vistas with specific themes such as `Churning of Oceans by Gods and Demons' and spots such as the Sun-Chariot personified forms of the river Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati, Narmada and so on have been created.