Vol. 17 No. 4 October - December 1998 - EVENTS

National Training Program on Modern Technologies for Information Handling

All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) in collaboration with the Medical Association of India is going to organise a National Training Program on Modern Technologies for Information Handling at AIIMS from February 15-19, 1999. The training shall be imparted on the modern topics viz. Library Automation, On line Searching, CD-ROM Databases, CD- Networking, Virtual Libraries, E-mail Services, Bar-Code Technology, Multimedia, Telecommunications, Library Networking, Electronic Publishing, Internet, etc.

The training is designed to benefit: librarians, information specialists, documentalists, R&D scientists, health scientists, computer professionals and teachers in library science.  Extensive practical training shall be given. Those who are interested to attend please write to the coordinator for Registration Form, fee and other details on the following address:

    Dr. R P Kumar
    Chief Librarian
    All India Institute of Medical Sciences
    Ansari Nagar
    New Delhi-110029

Workshop on Information Access & Science Communication

The Academy of Information Science, in collaboration with Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysore and National Information System for Science and Technology (NISSAT), New Delhi, is organising a Workshop on the theme   Information Access & Science Communication at CFTRI, Mysore on 28 and 29 January 1999.

The workshop is intended to focus on the latest techniques in information access and how to use this for science communica- tion. Lectures will be given by noted experts in the field and   practical accessing of information through database for science      communication will be imparted.

The two-day workshop has been programmed as below:

28 January 1999

Keynote Address

Session I

    • Present Information Scenario
    • Evaluation of Science through Database

Session II

    • Demonstration on Information Access
    • Evaluation of Science through Database

29 January 1999

Session I

    • Science Communication
    • Mass Media Communication

Session II

    • Hands-on Information retreival
    • Tips to Technical Writing
    • Panel Discussion

The Workshop is intended for librarians; science communicators; scuientists; research scholars & information scientists.

The registration will be on first come first served basis as the participants will be limited to about 30.

Participants may send Registration Fee by cheque/DD for Rs. 500/- in the name of Academy of Information Science, Mysore to :

    The Secretary
    Academy of Information Science
    C/o Library, CFTRI
    Mysore-570 013
                       The new telephone/fax numbers of NICHEM at NCL, Pune are given below:

                                                                Telephone No.: 393457
                                                                           Fax No.: 393973