Information Today & Tomorrow
Information Today and Tomorrow (ITT), a quarterly, and the official organ of NISSAT (National Information System for Science and Technology) is aimed at disseminating information concerning major developments in information science & technology at national and international levels. It is distributed to over 5000 individuals and institutions.
You are to design the cover page in A-4 size either on art paper or on a computer generated file (JPG or GIF format) with sober and sagacious mix of color. However, a computer generated file will be preferred. Please mail it to reach the undersigned by January 31, 2002.
The design adjudged most suited to the subject coverage of the periodical will appear on each issue of ITT 2002. Each issue will include the name of the artist and he will be handsomely awarded.
Vimal Kumar Varun
National Information System for Science & Technology
Department of Scientific & Industrial Research
Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi-110016
Email: vkv[at]nic[dot]in
Phone: 6567373 Ext 496
Telefax: 011-6516078
Information Today & Tomorrow, Vol. 20, No. 3, September 2001, 4th Cover