Scientific and Industrial Research Organizations (SIRO)


  • Reference is made to the Notification No. 38/2024-dated 23rd July, 2024 (Download 123KB)pdfof Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), Government of India, wherein Notification No. 51/96-Customs, dated the 23rd July, 1996, published vide number G.S.R. 303(E), dated the 23rd July, 1996 is being extended beyond 30.09.2024; it has been decided to extend the validity of Registration up to the period coinciding with the validity of current Recognition for all existing recognized In-house R&D Units (RDI) of Industries and Scientific and Industrial Research Organizations (SIROs) having valid recognition during the period and who’s Registration Certificate is lapsing on 30.09.2024”. Click Here for detailed Order (Download 537KB)pdf [05/08/2024] NEW
  • Renewal of recognition of SIRO beyond 31.03.2024 - Call Letter (Download 550KB)pdf [13/01/2024]


The Recognition Scheme for Scientific and Industrial Research Organisations (SIROs) will bring together voluntary organizations operating in non-commercial sector with a view to promote their activities in the area of scientific and industrial research, design and development of indigenous technology to achieve technological self-reliance and minimize foreign inputs.

The Organizations seeking support under the scheme will undertake activities for the extension of knowledge in the field of natural and applied sciences, agricultural, medical and social sciences. Functional SIROs having clearly stated objectives of undertaking scientific research, broad based Governing Council, Research Advisory Committee, research personnel, infrastructure facilities for research, well defined, time bound research programmes and clearly stated objectives of undertaking scientific research are considered eligible for recognition by DSIR.

The SIROs recognized by DSIR (other than hospitals) are eligible for customs duty exemption and excise duty waiver on import of equipment/instruments and their spares and consumables; under notification nos. 51/96-Customs dated 23.7.1996 and 10/97-Central Excise dated 1.3.1997 respectively. The recognition would help them to evolve research infrastructure by way of overall administrative support assistance and other assistance as may be necessary for the efficient working of a research-oriented organization.


Guidelines for applying under SIRO scheme(Download 1MB)pdf [31/01/2022]

Registration and Submission of online application:

Organization or research institutes coming for the first time to DSIR for recognition / registration under SIRO scheme need to register first. The applicants are requested to submit their application online for Fresh or Renewal of SIRO recognitions / registrations. The hard copy of application is not required to be submitted, only the ink-signed original ‘Declaration’ uploaded in the application along with the acknowledgement page (generated online) should be sent to DSIR by Speed-post.

Click here for registration and submission of online application.


Renewal of Recognition:

  • Renewal of recognition of SIRO beyond 31.03.2024 (Reminder) - Call Letter (Download 297KB)pdf [13/06/2024] NEW
  • Renewal of recognition of SIRO beyond 31.03.2024 - Call Letter (Download 550KB)pdf [13/01/2024]
  • Renewal of recognition of SIRO beyond 31.03.2023 (Final Call) - Call Letter (Download 299KB)pdf [28/10/2023]
  • Renewal of recognition of SIRO beyond 31.03.2023 - Call Letter (Download 166KB)pdf [14/01/2023]
  • Renewal of recognition of SIRO beyond 31.03.2022 (Reminder) - Call Letter (Download 71KB)pdf [06/10/2022]
  • Renewal of recognition of SIRO beyond 31.03.2022 - Call Letter (Download 166KB)pdf [03/08/2022]

Technical Reports

For additional information, Contact:

Shri Vinay Kumar Dr Anoop Singh
Scientist 'F' 
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
Room No 507, 5th Floor, New Building
Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi - 110 016

Telephone: (011) 26590496, 26590660
Fax : (011) 26960629
E-mail: vinaykumar[at]nic[dot]in

Scientist 'E' and Member Secretary
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
Room No  , 5th Floor, New Building
Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi - 110 016

Telephone: (011) 26518103, 26590435

E-mail: anoop[dot]s[at]nic[dot]in

Last Updated: 05/08/2024