RTI Requests Received and their Responses during October 2021


Government of India
Ministry of Science and Technology
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi 110016

Registration Number Name Date of Receipt Date of Disposal
DOSIR/R/E/21/00054 Manish Rathor 10/1/2021 10/2/2021
DOSIR/R/T/21/00033 Manish Garg 10/1/2021 10/9/2021
DOSIR/R/X/21/00007 Abhishek Gupta 10/1/2021 10/9/2021
DOSIR/R/E/21/00055 Arpita 10/6/2021 11/10/2021
DOSIR/R/E/21/00056 Sanjib Kumar Karmee 10/14/2021 11/10/2021
DOSIR/R/X/21/00008 Jagdish Kumar 10/21/2021 10/21/2021