Vol 21 No 3 & 4 September & December 2002
DIPA developed a database and sofwtare on research project information
All the ICAR institutes/Project Directorates/National Bureaus/National Research Centres maintain the research projects information as per the standard format i.e. Research Project Files (RPF I, II and III) and these RFPs are being submitted as hard copies to Agricultural Research Information Centre (ARIC) of Directorate of Information and Publications of Agriculture (DIPA) at ICAR Headquarters. A Review Committee has been appointed under the Chairmanship of Dr Anwar Alam, DDG (Engg) for reviewing the maintenance of RPFs at ICAR Headquarters (ARIC, DIPA) and recommended to create a Central Database for RFPs by combining the salient features of the Research Project Files (RPF I, II and III). The main purpose of this Central Database is for monitoring the research projects at ICAR Headquarters and to avoid any duplication of research efforts. The information as per the approved format was collected in MS-Access from all the ICAR institutes and appended to the Central Database at ARIC.
Based on this information, a user friendly software has been developed by using Visual Basic as front end application with MS-Access as back end application with database connectivity. For easy information retrieval, the search screens were created which allow the user to retrieve the information on different selections viz. keywords, subject area, institute name and scientist name. Free search as well as drop down boxes are made available for effective searching of the database. Quick display and print options for individual projects and also option for print all the searched records was kept in the software.
This information was also arranged in hierarchical access by using HTML links to subject matter disciplines in combination with institute names. The research project titles listed under each institute are linked to individual project details.
Both these searching mechanisms are integrated in to the compact disk (CD) with brief introduction of the Council with animation. The users has the option to select between the hierarchal access and database searching. The hierarchal access always runs through the CD with Internet Explorer. The database searching initially needs to be installed in the computer for the first time and run through the system by selecting RPF in Programs option or through the Start option in CD. The system requires additional space of 50 MB for this software and can be run in Windows 95,98, 2000 or NT. The first volume of the CD was released by the Council containing information on 2000 ongoing research projects from 62 ICAR institutes and will be supplied to all the institutes. The second and final volume of RPF CD will be released after receiving the information from the rest of the institutes. The information is to be updated on yearly basis with the additional information of new projects.
The credit for the creation of the database and development of the software goes to S.M.Vidya Sekhar, Technical Officer (ARIC); Hans Raj, Information Systems Officer (ARIC); and A. Chakravarty, Director, Directorate of Information and Publications of Agriculture, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan, Pusa, New Delhi 110012.
- Reported by A Chakravarty, Director, DIPA
Research and Development Statistics 2000-01 at a Glance
The Research and Development Statistics is one of the prestigious publications brought out by the National Science and Technology Management Information System (NSTMIS), Department of Science and Technology (DST). NSTMIS has been conducting biennial national surveys since 1973-74 to collect data on resources devoted to scientific and technological activities in the country following the UNESCO guidelines on international standardization of science and technology (S&T) statistics. The present report, fourteenth in the series, and based on the national survey 1998-99, provides the status on the health of science and technology in India including its international comparisons. The report contains data and analyses with supporting graphical presentations on the input and output parameters related to the various dimensions of research and development (R&D).
In the present edition of the publication, the scope and the coverage of the R&D activities has been enlarged substantially for the first time by including the expenditure incurred on R&D in-
- Higher Education Sector
- Small Scale Industry (SSI) Sector; and
- Industries other than those recognized by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
Keeping in view the potential of S&T statistics and the need for its wider dissemination to various actors like government, universities, firms, research organizations etc, the present brochure reflecting the salient findings of the publication, is the new addition in the series. Shri Parveen Arora and Dr A N Rai of NSTMIS Division, have been instrumental in bringing out this publication.
Major highlights of the survey are:
- The national investment on R&D activities attained a level of Rs.12901.54 crores in 1998-99. The same is estimated to be Rs. 15090.22 crores in 1999-2000 and Rs. 17660.21 crores in 2000-01.
- 0.91% of Gross National Product (GNP) was devoted to R&D during 1998-99.
- Sector-wise percentage share of national expenditure during 1998-99 was as follows: central government 62.5%, state governments 8.0%, higher education 2.9%, public sector industries 5.0% and private sector industries 21.6%.
- As on 1st April, 1998, nearly 3.08 lakh personnel were employed in the R&D establishments in the country including in-house R&D units of public and private sector industries, 31.0% were performing R&D activities, 32.6% were performing auxiliary activities and the rest 36.4% were providing administrative and non-technical support.
- R&D expenditure amounting to 83% was incurred by 12 major scientific agencies of the central government i.e. CSIR, DRDO, DAE, DBT, DST, DOS, DOD, ICAR, ICMR, MICT, MNEs, MOEn and the rest by other central ministries /departments/public sector industries. Among the major scientific agencies, Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) accounted for 31.8% of the expenditure.
- The extramural R&D support increased from Rs.186.48 crores in 1996-97 to Rs. 349.84 crores in 1998-99. The Ministry of Information & Communication Technology (MICT) and Department of Science and Technology (DST) were the two agencies playing a major role in extramural R&D funding.
- India's per capita R&D expenditure was Rs.130.26 (US$ 3.1) during 1998-99.
- Industry spent 0.52% of their sales turnover on R&D in 1998-99.
- There were 9,701 women directly engaged in R&D activities.
- Doctorates in science form 68.4% of the total 5,608 S&T doctorates produced by the educational system in the country during 1998-99.
- There were 220 universities/deemed universities, 11 institution of national importance and 11,397 colleges during 1998-99 imparting higher education in the country.
International S&T Comparisons
- India had 7.27 scientists, engineers and technicians (SET) per thousand population as compared to 180.66 in Canada, 139.16 in Russian Federation, 113.63 in Sweden and 112.77 in Japan. (Data for various countries pertains to different years)
- 1800 patents were sealed in the year 1998-99. Out of which 645 Indian patents were sealed. United States of America topped the list of applications for patents filed in India by foreign countries with a share of 41.8%.
- In Industrial sector, the R&D expenditure was highest in biotechnology followed by drugs & pharmaceuticals, defence industries etc. The private sector R&D was dominated by the biotechnology and drugs & pharmaceuticals industry group while the public sector R&D was dominated by the defence & fuels industry groups.
- Dr Laxman Prasad, Adviser & Head, NSTMIS, DST
The Asia-Pacific Internet Handbook, Episode IV: Emerging Powerhouses
The book covers key trends in the major Internet economies of the Asia-Pacific region, such as the wireless and broadband explosion in Japan and South Korea, the giant markets of China, the software powerhouse of India, e-government in Singapore, and e-commerce in Australia. The contributing writers include Martyn Williams (Tokyo Correspondent for the IDG News Service), Grant Butler (CEO of Editor.com, a Sydney-based editorial services firm), Duncan Clark (Managing Director of Telecom Consulting Firm BDA China), Jin Young Kim (Senior Analyst at Softbank Research), Ms. Jihee Nam (General Manager for DNet Korea), and Harish Pillay (CTO of Singapore-based Inquisitive Mind). http://www.tatamcgrawhill.com/digital_solutions/madan/
- Reported by Madan Mohan Rao, madan[at]inomy.com
India Industrial Directory on CD-ROM
Contains data relating to 200,000 Indian companies comprising manufacturers, exporters & importers; complete data of members of all chambers of commerce in India, and business promotion organizations across the world. The fields included in the Directory are: Name of company; Complete postal address; City; Pin code; State; Country; Telephone nos.; Fax nos.; Profile; Contact person (wherever possible); Designation (wherever possible); Email (wherever possible). (Approx 80,000 emails out of 2 lac records). The Directory is available in MS Access Format, with complete category-wise listing. The CD comes along with a complete Instruction Manual, providing guidance on the installation of the software, and sending of email; & instructions as to the use of the Directory. Price Rs. 699/-
Orders can be placed with Viva Inc. 145-C/5, Dr. Viegas Street, Next To Ramwadi P.O. Kalbadevi Rd. Mumbai-400002. Phone: (022) 22052255; 22035522. Fax: (022) 56334488. Email: indiaindstldir[at] rediffmail.com or indiaindstldir1[at]rediffmail.com. Mobile: 9820333891.
- Reported by Vikram Rai unbeatableoffer1[at]rediffmail.com
The database, avaulable at http://www.vigyan.org.in, includes 15,315 profiles of engineering faculty members and 205 institute profiles and presents comprehensive and up-to-date information on the country's human resource of the faculty members/officers/executives/scientists working in various departments/centres associated with engineering & technology institutes/universities. This database will be useful for planning, administration & research purposes in various fields of engineering & technology. Covers the following 24 main disciplines (which include more than 85 sub-disciplines: Aerospace; Agriculture; Applied Sciences; Architecture; Biotechnology; Chemical Science and Technology; Civil Engineering; Computer Science; Dairy Science; Electrical Engineering; Electronic & Communication; Energy; Engineering Management; Environment; Information Technology; Instrumentation & Control; Leather; Printing; Marine Science; Mechanical Engineering; Metallurgy; Mining; Petroleum; and Textile Technologies.
- Reproduced from NAFEN Digest 2002; August; 7
Barcodes made easy
A 20-page booklet titled Barcodes Made Easy is available free from Weber Marking Systems, Inc. This full-colour booklet is a detailed, easy-to-understand guide, portrays the growth trends & technologies associated with the use of barcodes. http://www.webermarking.com/images/barcodebook.pdf
- Reproduced from Tech News 2002; 13(3): 3
Directory of information technology courses
The Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi has developed an online directory under a project sponsored by the Ministry of Information Technology, Govt. of India. It has listed more than four thousand courses in the field of information technology from more than 450 institutions including universities, institutions of higher learning and other commercial organization from all over the world. http://www.litd.ac.in/course
- Reproduced from Tech News 2002; 13(3): 3
Braille books
The first set of books in Braille brought out by Vigyan Prasar for visually handicapped children was released. The books in Braille _ Kahani Map Tol Ki, Khel Khel Mein and Let's Sing and Play _ were presented to two children from National Association for the Blind. Vigyan Prasar plans to bring many more of its popular science titles in Braille in the near future.
- Reproduced from Tech News 2002; 13(3): 3
Information Today & Tomorrow, Vol. 21, No. 3 & 4, September & December 2002, p.17-p.19